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Free traffic

Top Autosurf Exchanges.

Earn credits and sell for money if don't have self sites: Payeer, Webmoney, Qiwi, AdvCash, Perfect Money. Or exchange credits from different autosurf systems.
Name Price for mln credits Comments Credit Exchange
9Hits negotiable Largest autosurf in the world - over 30 billions realtime exchange unique IP!!! Free apps: Traffic bot - for testing macros and auto or manual surfing; Web viewer - for advanced traffic exchange. Free proxy! Custom timer, referer, user agent, fingerprint. Duration of site view 10-600 sec. Target by country (include, exclude, all), continents, languages, platform (desktop or mobile), time of day. Macros for human emulation site view: scrolling, clicks on pages elements, wisits from SERP, donor sites and social! Allow Pop-ups and mining if its need. Alexa extention. Allow|dissallow proxy and IPv6. Choose connection speed - slow, medium, good and better. Connection type: system, http, SOCKS4|5, SSH. Can to add several sites|pages in one site slot. Achievements for serfers! Mac OS, Linux, Windows (x86, x64) 7, 8, 10, 11. 9hitsshop or Legit
Webisida $68 Free apps for testing macros and traffic exchange. Manual and auserfing. Custom timer, referer, user agent, fingerprint. Duration of site view 30-600 sec. Target by country, platform (desktop or mobile), time of day. Human emulation and custom macros for site view: scrolling, clicks on pages elements, wisits from SERP, donor sites and social! Can choose acceptable IP: DCH, ISP, Mobile. Windows (x86, x64) 7, 8, 10, 11. Self and Credits-shop
Simple-Surfing $20 Custom timer, referer. Target by country, time of day. Duration of site view 30-300 sec. Windows (x86, x64) XP, 7, 8, 10, 11. Credits-shop
Flexible settings for displaying sites. Custom timer, referer. Target by country, time of day. Human emulation and custom macros for site view: scrolling, clicks on pages elements, wisits from SERP, donor sites and social. Windows (x86, x64) 7, 8, 10, 11. Credits-shop
Free apps for testing macros and traffic exchange. Custom timer, referer, user agent. Target by country, platform (desktop or mobile), time of day. Human emulation and custom macros for site view: scrolling, clicks on pages elements, wisits from SERP, donor sites and socialю Manual and autoserfing. Mailing list. Referral exchange. Windows (x86, x64) 7, 8, 10, 11. Credits-shop
Custom timer, referer. Target by country, platform (desktop or mobile), time of day, scrolling, clicks on pages elements. Duration of site view 15-900 sec. Windows (x86, x64) 7, 8, 10, 11.
Custom timer, referer. Target by country, time of day. Windows (x86, x64) XP, 7, 8, 10, 11.
Custom timer, referer. Target by country, time of day. Windows (x86, x64) XP, 7, 8, 10, 11.

Custom timer, referer. Target by country, platform (desktop or mobile), time of day, scrolling, clicks on pages elements. Mac OS, Linux, Docker, Windows (x86, x64) 7, 8, 10, 11.

Custom timer, referer. Target by country, platform (desktop or mobile), time of day, scrolling, clicks on pages elements. Mac OS, Linux, Docker, Windows (x86, x64) 7, 8, 10, 11.

Oldest traffic exchange system. Many unique IP. Unlimited autosurfing. Custom timer, referer. Target by country, platform (desktop or mobile), time of day, scrolling, clicks on pages elements. Mac OS, Linux, Docker, Windows (x86, x64) 7, 8, 10, 11.

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