
Disclaimer. The information on this site is for informational purposes only. The site visitor uses the information received here at his own risk. The site administration is not responsible for such actions and their consequences. If you do not agree, please leave the site. If you agree and are looking for passive income from $ 20 per day - see the articles below. All you need to do is turn on your computer and follow these simple instructions. It is more profitable and less expensive than mining cryptocurrencies.

How to increase earnings credits from autosurfing.

In order to increase the earnings of credits from autosurfing, we will need to scale the number of autosurfing programs and buy the maximum type (status) of the account, the investments for which should return in a few days (depending on the number of virtual machines).

It is desirable to have stable paid proxies, but you can temporarily use free ones. Mobile and residential proxies are in demand.

For scaling, we need any hypervisor. For example - VirtualBox, VMWareWorkstation, Hyper-V etc.

Most autosurf programs run on the 64-bit version of Windows 10, but there are some that can still be run on Windows XP SP3 or 32-bit Windows 7 or 10, while significantly saving the resources of the physical machine, due to which it will be possible to run more copies programs for autosurfing.

To increase the amount of traffic, it is better to create virtual machines on both Windows XP and Windows 10. A 32-bit build of Windows 10 2016, which requires only 500 MegaBytes of RAM and 10 GigaBytes of disk for installation, can be found on the Internet. Also, for almost all autosurfs to work, you need to install NetFramework 3.5.

Autosurfing that support Windows XP

Бесплатная доставка посетителей на ваш сайт

Бесплатный серфинг

Autosurfing that supports 32-bit Windows 10

Webisida.com - система автоматизации посещений
Jetswap.com - free visitors to your site
WASPACE.NET  - free visitors to your site
Программа раскрутки

Autosurfing that supports 64-bit Windows 10

9Hits - Traffic Exchange
Free traffic exchange. Get mobile, organic and social media visits. Auto click links. Earn or purchase traffic. 3 billion visits exchanged since 2007.
Otohits.net, fast and efficient autosurf

9hits can be run on Mac and Linux. 9hits, as a traffic source, is probably the best autosurf. Not even just autosurfing, but a full-fledged botnet, where you can customize any actions on the site using scripts, even direct visits to the site from search engines, and not just replace the referral source. Daily traffic turnover for 9hits over 30 million!

The same can be done on Webisida, but this autosurfing works only under Windows 10. An additional advantage of Webisida is the presence of an internal credit exchange.

Each virtual machine must have a unique IP address. You can change the IP address using the following programs:

AdvOR (uses TOR network IP addresses);

Free proxies can be found at 50na50.net or similar. The downside of free proxies is the instability of work. Through the above programs, you can connect any type of proxy: HTTP, SOCKS4, SOCKS5.

You can sell credits from autosurfs and visit exchange systems here

Сredits-shop.ru - credit exchange system

A complete list of currencies for which you can exchange credits from autosurfs and visit exchange systems:

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